


  1. 孙勇,王志喻,申奥,李明敏.斜拉索等值张拉法单根钢绞线张拉力精确控制方法研究[J].黑龙江科技大学学报,2025.01,已录用
  2. 孙勇,李明敏,申奥,董连成,王志喻.大体积混凝土承台水化热温度控制研究[J].黑龙江科技大学学报,2025.01,已录用
  3. 孙勇,申奥,李明敏,等.大跨度矮塔斜拉桥施工预埋索导管角度的修正方法[J].黑龙江科技大学学报,2024,34(05):717-721+728.
  4. LI Liangliang, SHEN Ao, TANG Yao, SUN Yong*, LI Yuwei, DONG Liancheng. Study on the influence of temperature on the verticality of thin-walled high pier and the control method based on measured temperature[C]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Civil Engineering and Smart Structures(ACESS2023), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering,vol 474. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1514-5_2
  5. SUN Yong*, ZHANG Lianzhen*, XIANG Peng, Lal Das Rahul Kumar, SHEN Ao and PENG Sijie. A simplified ANN-based evaluation method for creep sensitive girder bridge identification at preliminary design stage[J]. Structures, 2023, 56: 104912 (SCI, Q2, IF:4.1 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2023.104912)
  6. 高庆飞,张坤,刘晨光, 孙勇,李忠龙.移动车辆荷载作用下桥梁冲击系数的若干讨论[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2020 (3): 7.
  7. 刘晨光,张连振,高庆飞,孙勇. 考虑车队叠加效应与桥面平整度影响的梁式桥动力冲击系数研究[J].振动与冲击,2019,38(19):226-232+268 (EI)
  8. SUN Yong, ZHANG Lianzhen, WANG Zonglin, GAO Qingfei, LIU Chenuang, and QIN Lihui. Evaluating the Effect of the Compressive Strength Development Factor on Concrete Creep Deformation in Bridge Construction[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 2019, 8(3): 507-525. (SCI, Q2, IF:1.4, WOS:000495358900022; EI, 20193507378404  https://doi.org/10.1520/ACEM20190034 )
  9. C. Liu, Z. Wang, Q. Gao, and Y. Sun. A Novel Dynamic Detection Method of Impact Factor Considering Deterioration of Pavement Roughness[J]. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2018, 48(4): 2580-2596.
  10. 宋宇锋, 孙勇, 杨立坡. 空心板梁桥铰缝受力特性与破坏模式的试验与理论研究[J]. 中外公路, 2018, 38(2): 159-165.
  11. SUN Yong, WANG Zonglin, GAO Qingfei, LIU Chenguang. A new mixture design methodology based on the Packing Density Theory for high performance concrete in bridge engineering[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 182: 80-93. (SCI, Q1, IF:3.481, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.06.062 ,WOS:000440527400008)
  12. 王宗林,孙勇,李国栋. 寒冷地区冬季施工大体积混凝土温度控制[J]. 中外公路,2015,05:153-158.
  13. 王立峰,肖子旺,贾艳敏,孙勇.大角度V撑蝶形拱式连续梁桥施工风险分析.交通运输工程学报.2012.12(6).(EI: 20123415365318)
  14. 李顺起,孙勇,肖子旺,王子强. 钢筋混凝土桥梁病害分析及预防.黑龙江交通科技.2011.1.
  15. 寇子鹏,马戎,孙勇. 达州金龙大桥静、动载试验及分析.黑龙江交通科技. 2011.1
  16. 吴婷婷,孙勇. 拱式连续梁桥V形墩施工技术.黑龙江交通科技.2011.1
  17. 王立峰,孙勇,王子强.自锚式与地锚式悬索桥动力特性对比分析.中外公路.2010(4)
  18. 王立峰,纪世奎,孙勇.龙华松花江特大桥结构参数敏感性分析.东北林业大学学报.2010.2(38)
  19. 王立峰,孙勇,王子强. 结构参数对刚构—连续组合梁桥动力特性的影响分析.东北林业大学学报.2010.6
  20. 王立峰,孙勇,李曼曼.自锚式悬索桥初始平衡状态的分析研究.中外公路. 2010(6)
  21. WANG Lifeng, SUN Yong. Risk Analysis of Butterfly Arch Continuous Girder Bridge's V-shaped pier During the Construction Process on the basis of AHP-GCA method. CCC2010.2010.8 (EI 20105113503854)
  22. SUN Yong, WANG Lifeng. Local Stress Analysis of the big intersection angle V-shaped pier of Butterfly Arch Continuous Girder Bridge. ICCTP 2010.2010.8 (EI , 20104513366094)
  23. SUN Yong, WANG Lifeng. Risk Analysis of Butterfly Arch Continuous Girder Bridge's V-shaped pier During the Construction Process on the basis of the technique of artificial neural network. ICCTP 2010.2010.8 (EI , 20104513366088)
  24. 王立峰,孙猛,袁祟伟,孙勇.基于ASP动态技术的高校二级网站建设,中国林业教育,2007(3)
  25. 王立峰,马咸利,孙勇.混凝土裂缝的成因及预防措施.低温建筑技术.2007(3)


  1. 于微微,王天成,杨晓东,孙勇.基于土木建筑行业科技创新团队建设的研究[J].中小企业管理与科技(上旬刊),2021(05):158-159


  1. 高庆飞,王仁智,孙勇,李钧,刘洋. 一种单箱多室宽箱梁偏载增大系数快速估算方法:ZL202010496812.5[P]. 2020.6.3
  2. 郭子瑞,池日光,孙勇,公绪金.基于脉动热管的电动汽车无线充电车载设备冷却装置[P].2023.03.14


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